MCRL is the largest and oldest pro-life organization in western North Dakota. We utilize our robust network of state-wide membership and collaborative partnerships with other pro-life organizations to create legacy and sustainability in the pro-life movement. We are Here for Life.

McKenzie County Right to Life envisions a world where the sanctity of human life is protected and valued from conception to natural death. It is our vision that all abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide be ended and that through education every person’s attitude and commitment changes to a fervent respect for all human life.

All people are created by our Lord and should have a loving and rich environment to thrive. We at McKenzie County Right to Life want to walk with those needing love and understanding through SERVICE, OUTREACH, and EDUCATION.


Providing prayer, friendship, support and community to women and families in unplanned pregnancies, people with disabilities, and people facing end of life issues.


Forming collaborative partnerships with other pro-life organizations institutions, and individuals to bridge the gap between people and services.


Our annual speech contest; holistic sexual education via TeenSTAR; providing up-to-date information on local, state, and national legislation involving all life issues; providing information on pro-life political candidates; providing training and resources on all life related topics.

Life Wall of Recognition

Honorary Sustaining Members

The following individuals have contributed a minimum of $5000 to MCRL. We would like to extend a special thank you for these individuals.

Nita Flatland

Private Donor L.M.

Sustaining Members

We would like to extend a special thank you to these individuals for the on-going support.

Jake & McKenzie McCoy

Karolin Jappe

James Schmidt

Private Donor S.B.

Brenda Johnsrud

Brett & Amanda Wisness

Ricky & Shirlene Lawlar

Doug & Elaine Steidl

Private Donor D & A. E.

Private Donor K.S

Our Business Sponsors

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Join Our Cause

Help us make a difference. Join our efforts to protect life and support our mission through volunteering, donations, or spreading awareness.